A Post-Election Tirade
I sincerely hope I’m wrong, but here are some things we should be watching out for from the Obama Administration:
1 - Civilian National Security Force
2 - Cap and Trade program that may bankrupt the coal industry
3 - Fairness Doctrine
4 - The promotion of 1960’s style radical philosophies such as those of William Ayers
5 - The encouragement of divisiveness a’ la Jeremiah Wright
6 - Abortion legislation
7 - Supreme Court Justice nominations
The Civilian National Security Force = Police State. I don't know where Obama would get the money for it, but you know what kind of people would volunteer for it. Nasty little schmucks that are just champing at the bit to abuse whatever power they're given in order to force their world view on the rest of us. We'll probably find the little dirt-bags crawling all over our gas & electric meters spewing B.S. about carbon credits and writing out tickets.
I heard an audio clip of Obama speaking about his Cap and Trade Program. He said that his plan would "of necessity," cause our electric bills to "skyrocket." His words, not mine. He also said that he thought it was important to use pricing to moderate our behavior patterns. So, I guess if the Obama government wants to reduce our cholesterol, we’ll see eggs priced at $8.00 each and beef at $60.00 per pound.
Fairness Doctrine: Done deal: Fairness has nothing to do with it; the jackasses just can't tolerate dissenting opinion. Just because Air America has no listeners doesn’t mean conservatives should have to provide them. Obama makes his opinion of free speech pretty clear. Note that the dissenting newspapers were unceremoniously tossed off Obama’s campaign plane to make room for the likes of "Jet" magazine just a few days before the election.
'Nuff said.
And I love his attitude towards botched abortion survivors. Maybe they should get a blanket while they lie alone in a room to die. Thanks Mr. Compassion! You know, if it's got 46 chromosomes, it's a human being, and if it's breathing it deserves medical attention, just like the grownups. We live in a country where you can get taken to court for throwing a rock at a damned pigeon, but you're branded some kind of a retard if you say abortion is anything other than what it is: a selfish murder for convenience.
And, of course my personal favorite: Wealth Redistribution. We have just damned-near nationalized our financial industry. Do we really need to be experimenting with a re-incarnated 60's radical communist at this juncture?
What sort of radicals will Obama nominate to the Supreme Court for confirmation by those leftists on Capitol Hill?
With a rubber-stamp House & Senate, this man will make big trouble, one amendment at a time. I still have hope that in the worst case, there will be a recoil in 2 years that will result in alot of Democrats loosing their seats, and the restoration of some sanity.
They will over-step. They can’t help themselves.
The best we can do is stay on top of these issues and stay in continuous contact with our representatives to make our positions clear. Maybe I’m wrong; after all, it was the moderates that elected Mr. Obama. If he realizes that, and is wise enough to lead from the center, we’ll be O.K. and I may (happily) find myself with my foot in my mouth.
I cannot repeat this enough:
"You can fool all of the people some of the time, and some of the people all of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time."
May God Bless the United States of America, and preserve her from all enemies, foreign and domestic.
Tirade concluded.
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