Saturday, November 1, 2008

Beware Obama - Your vote is not a toy.

An Obama Presidency will be much, much worse than simply another Carter administration. Mr. Obama is throwing around ideas like a “Civilian National Security Force just as powerful as the military” and “The Fundamental transformation of America.” Given Mr. Obama’s far left tilt, these words of his should be scaring the hell out of you. This man just threw three right leaning newspapers off his campaign plane. I guess we know where he stands on free speech!

This man talks about redistribution of wealth in very benign terms, as if it’s no big deal. Given his association (in what is most likely a mentor-disciple relationship) with a known Marxist/anarchist like William Ayers, his (denied) twenty years of listening to the hate speech of Rev. Jeremiah Wright, and his unwillingness to produce his records from the Illinois State Senate, I think it’s fair to conclude that he’s being cagey; that he’s talking about a bigger “change” than he lets on.

I think it’s fair to conclude that he’s is a Marxist.

What do we need a “Civilian National Security Force” for? Sounds like the Gestapo to me. What does he mean by the “Fundamental Transformation of America?” Sounds like he’s thinking of making major changes to the Constitution itself, doesn’t it? Don’t laugh, with an overwhelmingly Democratic Congress, and a left leaning Supreme Court to rubber-stamp his ideas, he can make a lot of trouble - one amendment at a time.

Perhaps I’m being paranoid. After all, with all the money that’s just been doled out to bolster the financial industry, there won’t be much left to spend on Mr. Obama’s grand schemes. He has been making promises of all kinds to all people, and in the best case, that will make Mr. Obama just another liar making political promises he can't keep. I don’t see how he can deliver any tax breaks, health care or energy independence given the trillion-plus dollars of federal funds that have just been squandered by the Congress to bail out Wall Street.

All the same, I don’t see how we can afford to have a radical leftist in the White House just months after nearly nationalizing our banking industry. Now is not the time to use your vote as a toy. Use it unwisely, and it may just get taken away from you!

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